Thursday, January 20, 2011

Graham Cracker Chocolate chip Cake

Well its done--taste like a chocolate chip cookie with frosting---so it was good for me but i didnt feel like the frosting taste like marshmellow and i didnt get the smores feel for this recipe.  What did everyone else think of the taste?  This I know the kids will love


  1. I thought it was okay but a little bit boring. I liked the frosting but put the whole jar of fluff in mine.

  2. I thought it was nothing to get excited about, really. I didn't make the frosting though ;)

  3. I quite liked it - once I got the idea that it was supposed to be a cake out of my head!!

  4. I am totally with you on it tasting like a chocolate chip cookie! That's exactly how I described it on my blog =)

  5. Envy your topping! It was alright for... snacking!

  6. I was hoping for more of a s'more taste, but didn't get it. The frosting just tasted like butter not marshmallow. It wasn't bad but I wish it were better. Hopefully this months cake will satisfy!

  7. My family loved it, especially my youngest daughter who frosted the second half of the cake. I thought the cake was OK, but the frosting was way too sweet.
